It's amazing how quickly time flies with two little boys! They are definitely keeping us busy! Eli is now 2 months old. He is 23 inches tall (50th percentile) and weighs 12 pounds 15.5 ounces (75th percentile). He is sleeping so much better now, and is actually sleeping through the night (from around 8:30-9:00 pm to 6-7:00 am)! This really pleases Mommy! He nurses every 2.5-3 hours during the day, about 6-7 times/day. He is so funny....sometimes he stops nursing and just smiles. It's so sweet! Eli still really likes to suck his thumb when trying to fall asleep. He tends to get a little fussy right before falling asleep. He is also still spitting up a lot, which tends to get in his hair (yuck). We go through lots of bibs in a day! His nails grow really quickly, so he still scratches his face a lot too. Eli has started having patches of dry skin on his elbows and knees lately, but they don't seem to hurt him.
Eli has discovered several new things this month. He loves laying on his back on the changing table and getting his diaper changed. He loves stretching! He smiles when people talk to him! He enjoys playing on his play mat, being outside, snuggling with Mommy, and looking at mirrors, faces, fans, and lights. Eli is starting to intentionally reach for and grasp objects. He recognizes his name, and really knows Mommy's voice. He has come very close to rolling over (from his belly to his back), but hasn't done it yet.
Eli is making sweet sounds purposefully when spoken to as if he is commenting on what others are saying to him or trying to say "hi." He babbles vowel sounds (aah, ooh) and coos when he first wakes up.
He has met some new people recently. Cousin Will Hayden Reed was born on 9/10/11. We are so excited for the two little guys to grow up together! He met Uncle G for the first time this month as well. This little fella has been to several places this month including: Dr. Frasier's office for 2nd month visit, Greenville to Grandad and Mimi's house for Labor Day, the Reed's to visit Baby Will, Covington Park for a cookout (which was his first park outing), church, Jackson's Orchard, and first play date at our house (which he slept the whole time).
Eli is very calm and laid back most of the time. Mommy, as well as everyone else, thinks he is a good, sweet, pleasant baby. He has such a sweet demeanor and beautiful toothless smile! We love him so much!