Isaac seems to be getting so much more like a big boy. He is really developing in all areas, mentally, physically, socially, etc. He really likes to learn and do new things. He enjoys looking at books and picking out the objects he recognizes. When he sees something he doesn't recognize he says "what's that?" I never thought I'd be able to say this, but Isaac has not been crying at daycare when I drop him off in the mornings. What a relief!!!
Isaac is saying so many more words and phrases now; although, his speech is not always perfectly clear. For example, he loves to say cow, but it comes out as "tow." Words that start with c's are pronounced with t's. So cat, cow, couch are pronounced as tat, tow, and touch. He still likes to call his daddy, "nanny." In the mornings he jumps in bed with daddy and says "nanny, tot cards." His daddy has a program called tot cards on his i phone and Isaac loves it! He overheard his daddy talking about taxes one day, and ever since then, he says the word taxes on command and then smiles real big. There are so many words we try to get him to say, but the one word he says over and over on command is taxes...I'm sure his Uncle Steve will be proud. Another funny thing Isaac is doing is when you ask him how old he is, he throws up his pointer finger as says confidently "TWO." I have no idea why he thinks he is two. We have discussed this with him many times that he is just one, but he seems to think he is two. Also, any time I start to count 1, 2, 3...he just says two. I will say "Isaac, let's count the pigs on the page," and he says "two, two." It's so funny! Other words Isaac has started to say are Bible and Jesus. Isaac can pick out which book is the Bible. He is also very consistent with praying with us. He always puts down his eating utensil or toy, stops whatever he's doing, folds his hands, and joins us to pray. It is my prayer that he will do this independently in the future because he wants to talk to God himself and have a relationship with Him.
Isaac enjoys playing with puzzles, dancing, and doing actions to songs (like Itsy Bitzy Spider, He's Got the Whole World in His Hands, Wheels on the Bus, This Little Light of Mine). He loves Ring around the Roses, and always says "more, more" as he uses sign language for "more." He is very active. I have a hard time catching him now because he is pretty fast when he runs. He recently discovered that he can jump (clearing both feet from the ground), and thinks it's fun to do! He loves being active. Isaac went to an indoor playground, called Hopscotch, with his buddy Austin, and had a blast. They played on climbing equipment, slides, blowup jumping toys, and a large playhouse. Isaac and Austin seemed to really enjoy the vacuum cleaner (that looked like a miniature version of a real one that was in the playhouse) and the kitchen in the playhouse.
Isaac definitely has an interest in balls. Every time he sees a basketball or football game on TV, he yells out "ball" as he points up to the screen. He loves playing with his basketball goal and his small hand-sized balls. He actually has pretty good aim when he throws his little balls to us. Isaac attended his first WKU basketball game this month. I have to admit, Isaac was more interested in Big Red, the mascot, than the actual game. His little eyes followed Big Red, as he moved around the arena, the entire game. Big Red even came to our seat to play with Isaac. He was sitting in his grandad's lap, and quickly wanted to be with his Mommy (because Grandad was a little too close to Big Red). He really likes Big Red as long as he is not too close to him. He has also been to several Drakes Creek Middle School basketball games, to watch his cousin Adam coach. Isaac yells ball and points down to the floor as soon as we arrive. He is always able to pick out Coach Adam too. Coach Adam Reed taught him how to get in triple threat position as he holds a basketball. Now Isaac is ready to shoot, pass, or dribble!
Isaac finished up his final story hour sessions at the library this month. He is too old to continue attending. There is a class for his age group, but it's on a day when both of us work. Maybe we will get to resume story hour in the future. Overall, Isaac seemed to enjoy story hour. He liked the stories, rhymes, play time, and being around other kids. We did occasionally have some discipline problems with him during his time at the library, such as pulling out little girls hair bows and pinching cheeks (especially kids smaller than him).
Here are some other interests Isaac has had this month: coloring, doing crafts, playing with snaps/buckles on clothing, copying head movements of others (such as nodding yes with a very slow movement), playing with his mommy's hair and moles, pushing around trucks, getting into the tupperware drawer, stacking cans from the pantry, and getting in his mommy and daddy's shoes. I think walking around in our shoes is his favorite hobby! He has also really started to enjoy eating peanut butter....on bananas, sandwiches, and crackers. I am glad to have another source of protein that he will actually eat.
Some new things for Isaac this month are: getting his canine teeth (which has been painful for him at times), kissing us on the cheek more (especially in the mornings when he first wakes up), saying "cheese" when he's getting his picture taken, playing in the snow (which he absolutely loved), and pooping in the potty (which only happened once and was forced as he was placed on the potty right as he was pooping). He has also learned to work his portable DVD player with only minimal help from me. He loves watching his Baby Einstein and Your Baby Can Read videos as he sits in his little rocking chair. It's so fun to watch him because he sits with perfect posture in the rocker.
This has been a great month! We are so excited that Isaac is a healthy boy and developing as he should be. We are so thankful for our little blessing!
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