Isaac, now 26 months old, weighs 27 pounds and is saying, doing, and learning new things each day. Physically, he has always seemed to be a little ahead of schedule. His coordination amazes me. He is able to hit a pitched ball (without a tee). Of course, it takes several tries, but he can do it! We have had some good times playing ball in the yard. He also has a good throwing arm; however, we have lots of work to do when it comes to catching a ball. He has learned to play freeze tag at school, which he loves, because it involves running around. It is so funny, he spreads his legs really far apart and says "freeze," as he maintains the position for a couple seconds, then he says "go" as he takes off running as fast as he can. His "freeze stance" just cracks us up every time! Some other physical activities he enjoys include playing "Ring Around the Roses," marching around as he says "hut 2,3,4," climbing, jumping, playing his drum as he says "1,2,3,4" then beats on it, playing Simon Says, hopping (as he says "hop hop), and stacking blocks to make castles and towers. He also stacks my candles which is a no-no, and he says "a tower." It is just one of his tests to see what he can get by with; he is consistently testing his boundaries!
Isaac loves visiting his grandparents, and tends to get sad when he has to come back home. He had a couple new experiences this month with Grandad and Mimi. They took him to his first band competition, and he loved it! He really enjoys the Big Red Marching Band, so it was no surprise that he enjoyed it. While there, he also experienced his first funnel cake. YUM! Isaac also learned how to water plants this month. While at Grandad and Mimi's house, we helped them water their plants, and Isaac loved being a big helper! Another big accomplishment this month was that Isaac actually pooped in the potty, and told me before he did it. However, this was just a one time event only. Hopefully it won't be too long before this becomes a learned behavior!
This month, we went to Memphis to visit our old, good friends, and to see their kids. There have actually been a couple new additions to the group since we last saw everyone, such as baby Evan (who's shower we went for). We had a great time visiting with those special friends and catching up on their lives. It was a great visit, but seemed too short! Isaac had a great time playing with all the little ones and especially enjoying the big playroom at the Bank's house. He was in toddler heaven!
Isaac loves to sing. Many mornings he will randomly sing "Happy Birthday." He usually sings Happy Birthday to Tay, which is his little buddy at school. He does not quite understand that it is not Tay's birthday everyday. He just fills in a random name as he sings the song. A couple of his other favorite songs are "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," "Old MacDonald Had a Farm," and the prayer "God Our Father." He will often even interrupt me if I am praying before meals to sing "God Our Father." He says "no Mommy, God Our Father."
Early during this month, Isaac was hitting and pushing his friends at school some. Of course, he was hit too. When I would ask him about this when I pick him up from preschool, he would say things like "Gage hit me. I hit Tay." Whether his report was accurate or not, it sounds like their is lots of hitting going on among the little 2-year old boys. They are just rough with each other. Isaac and his two best buddies Tay and Dhavid have invented a new phrase. They say "Ka-Paw" like it is some sort of chant. Who knows where it came from, but they all say it and crack up laughing afterwards. I guess you can call that creative!
Some other random likes and habits of Isaac's this month: watching for the trashman on Thursday mornings (which he calls Dump Truck Dan after one of his favorite books, eating peanut butter sandwiches for every meal, counting (able to count 1-10 and sometimes can get a few right between 11-20), laying a blanket down in the center of his room to sit on as he plays with his toys, taking vitamins (which he calls "bitamins"), yelling "over" once his videos are completed, having his boo-boos kissed ("kiss my boo-boo"), and saying "sorry" as soon as he does something wrong (which is usually intentional). He will hit me on purpose, and then look sweet, hug me, and say "sorry." Once again, he is just testing his boundaries.
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