Since Eli is so new in this world, he experiences many "firsts" every day. Eli's trip was to Dr. Fraser's office for his weight check when he was 5 days old. Eli did not seem to mind the car ride or being weighed at the doctor's office. He was accompanied by Mommy, Mimi, and big brother Isaac. We made two other trips to the doctor the next week (one for Isaac and one for Eli). Eli's first trip out, not including trips to the doctor's office, was with Mommy, Grandmama, and Isaac when he was 2 weeks old. He sat in the car while Mommy ran into Kohl's, then we all went and sat on a picnic table and enjoyed some ice cream at Bruster's (well Eli sat out with us, while we ate the ice cream). I have to admit, it was nice getting out of the house for a short while and actually being outside. It has just been too hot to get out of the house much lately!
Eli's first trip with Daddy and Mommy was to church was when he was 2 weeks and 2 days old. He slept the majority of the time during the service. He did let out one loud cry, but instantly went back to sleep once I gave him his pacifier. Overall, he did very well! (Unfortunately we did not get a picture of our first trip to church as a family. We had a difficult time getting ready and out the door before lunch, then had hungry and sleepy boys after church. However, we did gets pics of Eli with Mommy and Eli with Daddy).
Eli's first bath at home occurred when he was 5 days old (which was technically his second bath since he had one at the hospital). We were instructed by the nurses at the hospital to bath him every 2-3 days, but because of new, dry skin, I decided to wait a few days. Mimi helped me with his first bath. Eli was not very excited about the bath...especially being without clothes. Who can blame him though? The little fella is bundled and fully dressed at all times, so being cold when you are new to the world, cannot be all that much fun. He basically cried the entire time while getting bathed, then calmed down once he was all wrapped up in his hooded towel! Since then, Eli has seemed to like his baths much better. He likes to just look out the window above the kitchen sink. He did not fuss at all even during his second bath at home, so we are making progress!
Even though I cannot technically count this as a "first," he has smiled several times over the past 2 weeks. However, I know that he is really too young for baby's to actually smile because they are happy or like something. Therefore, his little smurky, half smiles must be due to gas. I cannot wait until I witness that first true smile. It does not get much better than seeing your sweet little baby smile at you for the first time!
Eli's first book was read to him at the hospital when he was one day old by his cousin (honorary Aunt) Amy. She read him a book called God Always Cares. Hopefully that will be the start of many, many books he will have read to him!
Just at a few days old, we noticed that Eli is able to lift his head. He is not able to maintain head control without support, but he is able to lift it. He appears to be a strong little guy. His daddy has noticed and commented on how his hands and forearms look like they will be very strong. His Grandmama has noticed how tight his abdominal muscles get when he grunts. At a week old, he even rolled from his back to his left side. This occurred several times, all when he was uncomfortable from gas. During tummy time, he is able to lift his head and sometimes will raise himself up on his elbow. When he was 3 weeks old during tummy time, he rolled from his belly to his right side. He is a strong little fella!
Well, we are excited to experience our little fellas others "firsts!" We love him so much!!!
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