Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Eli 1 month old update (8/8/11- 9/8/11)

Eli is such a pleasant baby! He seems fairly laid back and content, for the most part. He weighs 11 pounds 9 ounces and is 22 3/4 inches long. He eats/ nurses 8-9 times/day (about every 2.5-3 hours). He takes frequent naps between feedings. He is sleeping a little bit longer stretches at night (3.5-4.5 hours). He has done a very good job of getting on a good eating schedule. Eli has discovered that it helps him fall asleep if he sucks his thumb, knuckles, or index finger. He constantly wants his hand in his mouth. He sometimes takes a pacifier, but definitely prefers his thumb. Swinging also helps him go to sleep.

Eli is becoming much more alert. He really enjoys looking at people's faces, being outside, looking at lights and fans, grabbing and holding onto Mommy's hair, looking in mirrors, swinging, being walked and rocked, listening to music, and playing on his playmat and bouncy seat. He smiled for the first time this month, at 5 weeks of age! What a precious smile! I just love his little toothless grin! Having a child smile at me for the first time is such a wonderful feeling! Eli started social smiling consistently at 6 weeks old. His first smile for his Daddy was on 8/21/11. He is tracking objects/ people and batting at objects more now too! Eli also had his first bottle this month (given to him by Mimi).

This month Eli met some more new faces. He met some more extended family members, including baby Lucas Coats who was born this month. He has also met more of our church friends who have been bringing us meals. Eli has been a busy boy this month, going to several new places and getting out of the house more. He went on his first trip out of town. This was to Greenville for Carrie's baby shower and to visit grandparents. He also went to Dawson Springs to visit his other grandparents, Paris, TN for Chris's mom's memorial service, church, Olive Garden, Chick Fila, and Culver's. Eli travels fairly well; however, the trip to Paris, TN was a little far for him. On the way home, he was just crying, but as soon as he heard the music on the radio, the crying stopped. It was amazing. Eli seems to cry a lot too when we are shopping. Other than that, he mostly just cries right before he falls asleep.

Eli's biggest problem has been with spitting up after he eats, and it seems to be getting worse. He spits up massive volumes, so we hope this improves soon. Eli also got cradle's cap this month; although, it went away after one use of Neutragena T-gel shampoo. It amazes me and the rest of the world who sees him that he has so much hair. It's really unbelievable. He has not lost any hair. It is so cute because it actually has a little curl to it when it's wet.

I love the sweet sounds Eli makes. He makes a sweet "awwhh" sound after he sneezes. He is cooing a lot. He also still grunts frequently due to gas. He has started making a pouty face/ lip before he cries.

We love Eli so much, and are thankful the Lord has entrusted him to us to grow and raise! I just want to snuggle him, squeeze him, and hold him forever! He is so precious to me! What a blessing!

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