Little Eli is 3 months old now, and weighs 15 pounds 6.5 ounces (with clothes on). He is so much more alert and has made so many discoveries this month! He found his hand at 13 weeks old, and loves to just stare at his fist. He also found his feet at 15 weeks old. He has actual tears now when he cries. Eli prefers sucking his thumb rather than the pacifier when trying to go to sleep. Also when sleeping, he no longer enjoys being swaddled, but likes his sleep sack. He enjoys laying on and playing on his belly for longer periods of time. He used to really dislike "tummy time." The Bumbo seat is awesome. We borrowed it from a friend, and Eli loves sitting in it so he can see what is going on around him! Eli laughed for the first time this month!!!! At 16 weeks old, he rolled from his belly to his back. He is also getting pretty good at scooting on his back. He can spin around 360 degrees on his play mat, scoot down in the crib (often wakes up curled at the foot of the crib), and sometimes put his head at the foot of the bed while sleeping.
Eli went lots of places this month. He attended his cousin Jenna's birthday party in Dawson Springs. He visited both Grampie and Grandmama, and Grandad and Mimi's houses. Since Halloween was this month, Eli went trick-or-treating with Mommy and Isaac (unfortunately Daddy had to work out of town). He also went to the fall festival at church and the church cookout (which he slept through). Eli also even made some road trips to Tennessee and Indiana as Daddy looked for a new car.
Since my maternity leave was over, I had to return to work when Eli was 12 weeks old. Mrs. Valerie and her son Levi came to babysit three days a week. I was excited to find someone to keep Eli in our home! Not only did Eli meet Mrs. Valerie this month, but also Uncle Eric and Great Aunt Suzanne! Eli spent his first nights away from me this month too. Adam, Isaac, and I went to Gatlinburg for Adam's continuing education. We decided to leave him with Grandad and Mimi since it was a long drive and chilly outside. He did very well!
Eli sleeps very well at night! He goes to sleep around 7:30-8pm, wakes up around 9pm to nurse, then sleeps the rest of the night, and wakes up around 6-6:30am. He takes 30 minute to 1 hour naps between feedings and one or two longer naps in the middle of the day. Eli is very regular with his feeding schedule. He nurses 6 times a day (6-6:30am, 9am, noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm). He started getting three bottles a day while I am at work. He started taking 4 ounce bottles, but by the end of the month was drinking 5-5.5 ounce bottles. Thankfully, he does not spit up quite as much with bottles. Eli is really growing!!! He did have his first illness this month, a sinus infection, which disturbed his sleep some (and he started waking up at 3am). I hope this waking up in the middle of the night is just a phase. A few days before his sinus infection, he had a problem with his left eye getting watery, glassy, and matted up with yellow gook while he slept. Eli really needs a haircut! He has tons of hair with side burns, and everyone comments on it! People everywhere we go love his hair! I just can't bring myself to get it cut yet, but I won't be able to hold out much longer. Not only has his hair grown fast, but his finger nails grow extremely fast too. He tends to scratch himself easily. Oh, and his eye color is still questionable. Sometimes his eyes look green and other times they appear to be brown. Time will tell!
Eli coo's and makes frequent vowel sounds! He also still grunts a little too. Eli loves making sounds when people talk to him, like he is telling them a story. He giggles when I kiss his belly! Eli loves being around people, and has started crying some when left alone in a room. He is very content on his play mat, swinging, sitting in the Bumbo, and getting his diaper changed. He is really alert and enjoys looking at, grabbing, smiling at, and exploring new toys with his hands. He likes to play with my hair. Eli is also much more active now, and kicks and moves his arms a lot! We love our sweet boy, and our so thankful he is healthy and happy baby!!!
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