Isaac is now 6 weeks old, which is so hard to believe. As many of you know, we have had a difficult past few weeks. We thought Isaac was really struggling with reflux. His symptoms and fussiness progressively got worse. We had a very difficult time getting him to calm down (and now we see why). He started projectile vomiting after every feeding. He could not even keep Pedialyte down. We went to the doctor in town, and he sent us to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital for further testing. As it turned out, Isaac was diagnosed with pyloric stenosis. This is basically when the pyloric sphincter closes down causing the milk to not be able to pass from the stomach to the intestines. Therefore, his little belly was very tight and distended until he started vomitting. We just thought he was really hungry and having a growth spurt, because his belly was really getting big. Pyloric stenosis is mostly seen in first-born males. While at Vandy, Isaac lost 1 pound in 24 hours and was getting very dehydrated since he was not able to keep anything in his system. The hospital staff attempted 14 times to get an IV in him on Sunday night (the night he was admitted) to get Isaac hydrated. However, his veins were so small from dehydration that they were unsuccessful. It was really hard to watch Isaac have to go through that, getting stuck so many times. He was hurting and starving (as he could not keep food down for 2-3 days). Finally, an anasthesiologist was able to get a successful IV in the next day (in his foot) so that Isaac could get more hydrated prior to surgery. Isaac ended up having surgery on 8-18-08 (at 5 weeks of age). Adam also had pyloric stenosis as an infant and had surgery at 3 weeks of age. He and his father have matching scars on their bellies. Adam turned out okay, so that is encouraging. It has been a tough few weeks, but it seems that things are getting some better. He is now able to eat and is continuing to grow. We went to the pediatrician yesterday and he now weighs 10 pounds 7 ounces. We are so thankful! His primary problem now is that his bowels seem to function slowly, which makes Isaac very uncomfortable and has been causing him not to sleep very soundly (therefore, mom and dad have not slept well either). Even though we have had little sleep and a rough few weeks, things are getting much better. We are so glad that his problem is one that was fixable. We did not want little Isaac to have surgery, but at least now he will not have to worry about taking medications or getting treatment for this problem the rest of his life. We feel very blessed.

Isaac looking at his Daddy (before his surgery).
Well, prior to Isaac's surgery, we had visits to both sets of grandparents houses to visit with family. Isaac even attended 2 birthday was his grandad Cletus's birthday and the other was his cousin Christopher's first birthday party. We had lots of fun! Isaac loves being outside, so he really enjoyed being at the park for Christopher's birthday. He slept most of the time and was very relaxed. Isaac also really loves being held. So, needless to say, he gets lots of love and attention when visiting family. We are so glad he has such wonderful grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins.

Isaac has even had a few visits from our friends from Memphis (the Collier's and the Oppenheimer's).
Our friends Nathan and Laura came from Memphis to visit baby Isaac.

Nathan is looking quite comfortable holding our little guy!
Joel and Heather Collier, also friends from Memphis (now living in Mississippi), came to visit our little man. They brought their son, Luke. Adam and I cannot believe how big Luke is because it seems like not long ago he was Isaac's size. Heather has the special touch as Isaac looks very comfortable in her arms!
We cannot wait for each of you to see him again, as he is growing quickly. He is becoming more and more alert, especially since his surgery. He is starting to really focus on faces and lights. He seems to recognize his Mommy and Daddy's voices, and has even started smiling at us. He has such a cute smile!!! The name Isaac means "he will laugh," so we are hoping that now that he is healthy again and starting to feel better, that we will smile and laugh a lot. It was so difficult watching our little one go through such a difficult time of pain and discomfort. We pray that God will continue to help him heal and that all his body systems will be back to normal soon. We love Isaac and are just amazed by his progress each day! (We are also praying for a little more sleep).

Isaac is home and doing better since his surgery.