This year Isaac was 19 months old at Valentine's Day. Isaac's school had a big party, and Isaac brought home a bag full of valentine cards from his classmates. When I picked him up from school, he just smelled sweet from all the sugar he had that day! I am sure he loved every minute of it!
Since Isaac is a little older this year, I decided to do some crafts with him. We decided to put thumb prints in the shape of a heart on Valentine cards; however, because his thumbs were so small, this idea failed. Then we went with the backup plan. I just let Isaac decorate the cards for his grandparents, aunts/uncles, and Daddy with red finger paint. We attempted to put a handprint on each card. We made a complete mess, but Isaac had a it was worth it!!!
Isaac was able to hand deliver cards to his Daddy, Grandmother Dot, and Grandad and Gran. We had to mail the cards to Grampie and Grandmama, his aunts and uncles, and Nanny.