As Isaac continues to grow, the more his personality comes out and the more opinions he develops. Isaac, now 29 months old, has definitely learned that he likes to through in his two cents. For example, his favorite color is red. He insists on getting red vitamins, using sippy cups with red, wearing his Big Red shirt, etc. I will occasionally try to sneak him a purple gummy vitamin, but he always catches it, and says "that's not red, that's purple." I can't get anything by him. I don't know what I will do when he can spell, because right now that is the only way I can communicate things to others without Isaac knowing exactly what I'm talking about. Isaac is really particular about certain things. For instance, he has to have his pajama sleeves and pants pulled all the way down. They cannot be the slightest bit up or he notices. He also has to wear his tennis shoes everywhere. There is one other pair of shoes (his "church shoes") that I can talk him into wearing on Sundays; otherwise, he wants his tennis shoes on (even inside). Before he goes to sleep at night, he wants to take a few sips of water. He specifies that he wants cold water from the refrigerator and not from the sink.
We informed Isaac of some life-changing news this month. We told him he is going to have a baby brother or sister. He did not seem too excited about the news. He has been climbing on me a lot when I am laying on the couch, and I have had to tell him not to climb, hit, or kick me. He responds with "I'll kick the baby." Hopefully he will get over this soon. I don't think he really understands the concept of having a brother/sister means yet, but he soon will.
Isaac seems like such a big boy at times. It seems he has hit a growth spurt. He is still lean, weighing 29 pounds, but appears to be getting taller. In order for his pants to not be high waters, and fit him in length; they are often too big in the waist. One day, I put some pants on him that appeared to fit well. Then when he leaned over to push his truck, his pants fell down to his ankles. It's definitely hard to find pants that fit him just right. Isaac's favorite pants are jeans. I try to tell him other pants can be really comfortable, but he prefers jeans.
What are Isaac's interests this month? Isaac's favorite and most requested foods this month have been marshmellows, fruit snacks, Daddy's cereal (which is Cinnamon Toast Crunch), spaghetti (which he calls "ghetti"), chicken nuggets, and french fries. Wow, such healthy options. He still eats scrambled eggs, bacon, and peanut butter, which gives him some protein. We also discovered this month that he likes pepperonis. He has even had a new interest in clemontines, but mostly because he wants to help me peel them. Isaac's favorite toys this month have been: trains, tricycle, hot wheels, tools, blocks, dinosaurs, phones, blankets, books, and his new watch. He likes to line up all his cars, put blankets on his head as he calls himself a shepherd, build "towers" with his blocks, read books from memory (such as "Dump Truck Dan"), play pretend. He is starting to use his imagination more. He likes to pretend that he is talking to his grandparents or Dr. Frazier on the phone. He also put a pretend stethascope up to my chest and said "I'm a doctor. I want to listen to your heart." I think he got that from a Dora video he loves to watch ("Doctor Dora"). Another thing he has picked up from Dora is counting in Spanish. I will hear him sometimes, as he lines up his cars, counting them in Spanish. It's really cute! I was surprised because I didn't even know he could do that.
We celebrated Christmas this month. There are more specific details about Christmas in a separate blog entry. I just wanted to comment on Isaac's interactions with Santa this year. Isaac is very fascinated with Santa, and really wanted to see Santa, he just didn't want to get too close. I could not get him to sit in Santa's lap for a picture this year. He was just too scared of Santa. However, ever since he saw Santa at my parent's church, he tells everyone that he saw Santa at church.
Isaac has had a few bad habits this month, that we are hoping to break. First of all, he's been hitting a lot. He hits his friends at school, and admits to it. I will ask him how school went, and he says "I hit Tay." He has also been hitting me when he doesn't get his way. Secondly, he is saying "no" all the time, it seems. This is causing him to get in trouble a lot! A new habit he has picked up with spitting. He will just spit in the floor or behind the couch. I'm not sure where he got this, but he does it and thinks it's funny. He also puts his finger up his nose, sometimes to pick it and sometimes just to get a reaction from people around him. Isaac has been climbing more this month too. He climbs to the top of his crib and then jumps into his bed. He knows he's not suppose to do this. Finally, he growls like a tiger. It is fine that he tries to act like a tiger, but many times he does it in inappropriate places. For example, Pastor Steve might be praying at church and Isaac will growl. I'll shhhh him, and then he growls louder. Wow, the challenges of a two year old!
Isaac has said and done some funny things this month. He has realized that he can sometimes get my attention by calling me by name. He may say "Mommy, Mommy....hey Sarah." The first time he called me by name was so funny! He also hears his Daddy and I call each other "Boo" at times, so this is another name he will sometimes call us. Isaac's favorite question is "What ur doing?" He says "ur" for the word "your." Isaac also has trouble saying his "l" and "r" sounds, and replaces each with a "w" sound. When he gets excited and wants to show us something, he says "Wook, wook!" instead of "Look, look!" He still likes to make up words. He loves when I join in with making up words with him. His buddies at school (Tay and Dhavid) contribute to this as well. He told Mimi, that she was like Mommy and had a big belly (when he is actually pointing to and referring to the female anatomy). Another funny thing he has started is locking the doors. If he wakes up in the middle of the night, he comes to our room, and locks the door. I guess he thinks he'll get to stay in there if the door is locked. Oh how quickly he realizes he is going back to his own bed. He really likes his book about 8 little monkeys jumping on the bed. So, he likes to stand on the bed, jump a couple jumps, then say "no more monkeys jumping on the bed." Finally, when Daddy leaves for work, Isaac says "I want a hug, high five, an knucks." They have to go through each step before Daddy leaves for work. It's really precious!
Isaac said the sweetest thing ever to me recently. Without anyone telling him to say it and without me saying it first, Isaac said "I love you Mommy." Oh how my heart melted. I love my little fella, and cannot express how blessed I am to have him in my life!!! It is a joy and honor to be his mother!!!