There have not been many drastic changes this month in Isaac's development. He is continuing to grow and learn at a steady rate, it seems. His vocabulary is getting larger and he recognizes a lot (people, pictures, and objects). He understands most everything we say. We can say several names to him and point to the person, then quiz him, and he can point to who each person is without much hesitation. It is funny though, because he has called Adam "Daddy" for a while, and now out of nowhere has begun to call him "Nanny." I don't think Adam is too thrilled with being called Nanny.
He desires to be independent. We have learned that he eats better if we just put the food in front of him and leave him alone. He seems to get less distracted and appreciates the challenge of eating with a fork. He is finally starting to eat better; although, vegetables are still not much in the picture. He loves Nutri-grain bars and Mexican food. It is almost unbelievable how much he loves salsa, rice, and refried beans. He really likes it anytime he can dip his food into some kind of sauce.
He is starting to acknowledge other kids more and play with them better. The other day he saw a 3 year old little girl and said "baby." The little girl seemed confused and told her mom, "he just called me a baby." Even though he is playing with other kids more, he has been getting in trouble at preschool for hitting and pulling hair, on occasion. We are hoping this improves over the next month. The preschool director talked with him the other day, and said it was hard to be mean to him because he just looks at you with those big brown eyes. His classroom teacher said he is slick. He may do something bad, like hit a classmate, then smile and look real sweet, to cover for his behavior.
Isaac is so much fun right now. He loves playing in his room and learning new things. He really enjoys books, building blocks, balls and other objects small enough to fit in his hands, push/pull toys (like his wagon), his golf clubs, and his tent. He really likes wearing his fireman's hat around the house too. He will put on his boots he got for Christmas and his hat, and just play away. He likes to figure things out. His favorite activity to do at home is probably getting into our closet and putting our big shoes on his feet. He loves it, and seems obsessed with shoes! He also loves putting on his daddy's hats and his fireman hat he got at preschool. He will put on his little fireman hat and just play in it for hours.
He really loves his bath time. He enjoys being in the water so much that he runs to the bathtub when we tell him it is bath time, and he cries when we take him out. Every time he thinks we are taking him out of the tub, he will get on his belly and get as low in the water as he possibly can, in hopes that we cannot reach him.
Isaac's laugh is the best! It is the most precious sound in the world. He is very ticklish, and just giggles nonstop when he is being tickled. He also laughs when he plays "Peek-a-boo," when we push him around the room in our computer chair, and when we give him horsey and piggy-back rides. He loves to yell "Boo" as he uncovers his eyes or jumps out from being hidden.
Isaac is very active and tries to climb anything he can. Every time I turn around he is standing in something, like a drawer, on a stool, on the kitchen table, etc. Isaac loves to pull out our desk drawer and stand in it while he colors as we use the computer. He has even figured out how to get into his own booster seat independently. He is running very well, and we have a hard time catching him. I am not sure what we will do when he gets longer legs and gets faster.
Isaac was in his second Christmas play this month. He was an angel in the play at his Cosby grandparents' church. He looked like an angel, but I was a little nervous about how wild of an angel he might be. Overall he did very well. He did trip over his costume on the way down the aisle and ran off the stage a couple times. However, the funniest and most memorable moment of Isaac in the play was when he took his halo off his head and said "ball." It was very funny, and something we will always remember.
I took Isaac to Opryland Hotel to let him look at all the pretty lights and Christmas decorations. Needless to say, Isaac enjoyed the adventure. He did not care so much about the lights as he did about running around in the huge hotel. I was hoping to get a cute picture of him in front of one of the large Christmas tree, but that was not the case. I did not get one. Every picture I took got the back of his head because he was so busy and nonstop on the run. Santa was not at Opry Mills mall when we were there, so I took Isaac to see Santa Clause at the mall in Bowling Green. He had already seen the Santa Cow at Chik Fila. He had the same response to both. He was very curious and wanted to see Santa from a distance, but definitely did not want to get too close. He was happy and waving at Santa until he was placed in Santa's lap. At that point, he started crying and reaching out for Mommy. So, he really just liked Santa from a distance.
We did celebrate Christmas during Isaac's 17th month. Isaac really enjoyed time with his family, and was able to participate so much more this year compared to last. We just had a great time, and he appreciates the gifts he received from friends and family. He has really enjoyed having new toys to play with and explore. We had a wonderful time with family as we remembered the birth of Christ!
More pictures of Isaac's 17th month will be on upcoming blog entries!
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