Isaac is really growing and learning new things all the time. I often have to remind myself that he is just 2, because I feel like he understands everything I say. He has learned how to give the "right" answers to certain questions. When asked "what did you do at school today?" he replies, "I shared." Yeah, smart little fella. However, sometimes he does actually admit "I hit" or "I pushed." After church I will ask him what he learned at church, and his response is "Jesus." It is amazing how early in life we learn to say the "right" things. Isaac is very observant and likes to point out similarities among him and someone else. For example, he told me, "we both have on blue shirts" or "daddy and Isaac both have on tennis shoes." He really pays attention to detail. He is learning a lot lately. He knows the Pledge of Allegiance, and follows it up with singing "God Bless America." He learned this from chapel at his preschool. He can spell his name, say when his birthday is, tell his street name and town where he lives, and can count in English to 20 and in Spanish to 10. He knows his numbers and letters, but needs to continue working on recognizing them. Sometimes he likes to act like he's in charge. For instance, I may ask him to do something and he will reply "not yet, in a minute (or second)." He has also picked up from me, "I said no" or "I said yes." I then have to explain to him that he doesn't get to call all the shots! Whenever I tell him we will do something later, he says "in a minute." It is really cute how he gets his time frame mixed up; although, he tries really hard. He concept of time is just skewed a little.
Isaac really loves life and enjoys playing (which he calls "flaying." Just like pillow is "fillow"). He loves dancing, being tickled, clapping to music, beating on his drum, watching Dora videos, laughing, shooting baskets, making tents out of blankets, playing with mommy's hair, watching people blow bubbles with their chewing gum, snuggling at bedtime (he says "we're snuggling"), blowing bubbles, watching videos of himself, looking at family pictures, swinging, being outside (especially on playground equipment), getting Isaac sandwiches (where he is kissed on each cheek by 2 people at the same time), pretending (to be a bear or tiger), counting everything (such as toys in both English and Spanish), wearing band aids (he is obsessed with them), and letting people "get his nose." Isaac is full of life, and is so precious to us!
Isaac has really struggled at daycare lately. He cries every morning when I drop him off. I am not sure if it has something to do with the him realizing a baby is on the way or not. On his preschool days, I have more trouble getting him out of bed. He has had to go occasionally for half days, on my typical days off from work due to me having doctor's appointments. It is so hard for me to leave him crying. My heart just breaks for him. It also seems that he talks about "poop" a lot, but out of context to going to the bathroom. Just like most little boys, he just thinks it is a funny word. He says "poop" or "poopy" and just cracks up laughing. The "poopy" talk seems to be a little worse when he has had a rough day at preschool or when he is really tired. I am hoping this phase will soon pass. The spanky stick has helped a lot with this. It seems lately too that when he comes home from daycare, he talks about monsters or the big bad wolf. I am unsure why he seems to consumed with talking about monsters. Hopefully he will soon enjoy school again. My theory is that his difficulty at daycare lately is related to the baby coming, but who knows?
Isaac, along with mommy and daddy, have had some really fun times this month. We went on our first picnic, with an actual picnic basket. Unfortunately it was a windy day. Isaac and I ate our little picnic lunch and fed the ducks at a nearby park. A big event this month for us as a family, was that we joined our church. When people join our church, they have to stand in the front for the pastor to make an announcement and for the members to do a brief vote. While Adam, Isaac, and I were standing in front of the congregation, Isaac waved and blew a kiss. Of course that made people giggle. Then after the service, current members came to welcome us, and Isaac said "all the peoples are coming to hug me." Another big event this month, is that Isaac officially has his big boy bed. I have to admit, he is sleeping very well in it! It has been a very smooth transition from the crib to big bed. He was entirely too big for the crib and it appears that we waited way too long to make this transition. Finally, this month Isaac got to make valentine cards for his daddy, grandparents, and great-grandmothers. As you can see from the pictures above, he was caught red-handed. He had fun decorating the Valentine's Day cards with his red hand prints and stickers, and then delivering them!
I have to end with Isaac's funniest comment of the month. He was sitting on his potty, and burped. After he burped he said "that was gas in my mouth." It is so funny to see the 2 year-old perspective of things! We love our little fella so much! He just brings so much joy to our lives!
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