Here is Isaac after his first day at his new preschool with his Toy Story backpack. I was a little apprehensive about his transition to a new school, but he has adjusted very well! Fortunately, his assistant teacher is one he had at his previous school, and this has seemed to help him. So far, he has had all three frogs on his log (which is the school's way of monitoring behavior) every day! Each week, his class focuses on a certain number, letter, and Bible story. Each month they learn a new shape and color. Isaac seems to really like his teachers. His lead teacher told me the other day that she was taking prayer requests, and Isaac wanted them to pray for his garage door. We have not been having any problems with our garage door, so I'm not real sure where he got that, but the teacher seemed to appreciate having a unique prayer request. His assistant teacher told me that he does not always take his nap, but he will lay there quietly the entire time. I will ask Isaac what he had for lunch, and he says he didn't eat because it was yucky. Who knows when this boy will start eating lunch better. At the end of the day when I ask him what he did, he replies "I shared." I still haven't gotten a good answer when I inquire about his new friends and classmates. He never really talks about anyone specific in his class. I am just so thankful he is adjusting well, and hope he can find some good buddies in his class (because I know he will miss Tay and Dhavid).

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