Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Isaac October 2012

We have had a busy October!  It's been fun, but busy!  Isaac had roles in two weddings this month.  First, he handed out sparklers at the end of our friend Dan's wedding reception.  He had a bucket full of sparklers and would just reach out and hand them to people at the wedding.  It was cute because he didn't actually talk to anyone, he just handed them the sparklers.  Secondly, Isaac was one of the ring bearers in our cousin Mary's wedding.  He actually did pretty good.  He walked down the aisle with another boy, then stood next to me.  He was fairly still, but did start to toss his pillow a couple times and finally just used his pillow as a cushion to sit on during the ceremony.  I was pleased though that he was quite and stayed up there with the wedding party!

Isaac was off for a few days for fall break!  Even though I still worked my normal schedule, it was nice having him home!  One of the highlights for Bopper this month was going to the circus with Daddy!  His favorite part of the circus was someone riding a motorcycle on a tightrope.  He was impressed!  Then, of course, trick-or-treating on Halloween was also a fun event this month!  Our little Spiderman had a blast going from house to house with his buddy Lukas.  Some other fun things Isaac did this month include:  going to Jenna's birthday party, playing with Austin at Chick-Fila, going to his classmate's Aidan's birthday party at Just Kid'n, having the Ramsey boys over to play, and playing with Lukas at Chuck E Cheese.

Isaac loves throwing and catching balls, especially his football.  He is getting much better at catching, but still has some work to do!  He enjoys jumping on the trampoline next door with our neighbors Caroline and Cade.  Isaac looks forward to watching Saturday morning cartoons, making paper airplanes (i.e. his school folder also has a paper airplane in it), playing golf on the I-pad, playing board games (i.e. Candy Land) and wearing his superhero cape and mask while playing around the house.  He also enjoys playing with his cars, watching football, and racing anyone who will race him.

Most of the time Isaac likes playing with Eli.  Eli tries to imitate everything Isaac does.  One night at dinner, Isaac tried to get Eli to throw his food on the floor so he would get in trouble.  Isaac loves Eli but seems to like not being the only boy in the house getting into trouble now.  It also bugs him sometimes when Eli gets in his space and messes up whatever he is playing with, such as tearing down a tower of blocks or moving cars that were all lined up. 

Isaac has ups and downs at school recently.  Some positives....he crossed the monkey bars by himself (which not many 4 year-olds can do), he is learning how to sound out basic words, he got a visit from Mr. Bruce on Pastor Day, and the teacher says he's a leader and really smart.  The negatives.... he doesn't always channel his leadership in positive ways.  He has recently gotten notes from school saying that he was using potty words, spit water on a friend, and was disruptive during naptime.  He has also picked up the rude habit of burping a lot, out loud, and then laughing at himself.  I think he enjoys school, likes to be with his friends, and seems to be learning a lot. However, he really likes getting attention from his friends and doesn't care if he gets in trouble for it.  We have lots to work on still in the area of discipline. 

This little four-year-old makes me laugh with some of the things he comes up with on his own.  I was reading "Goodnight Moon" to Eli, and Isaac said "cows can't jump over the moon because cows have short legs."  Another clever thing he said was "we don't have to ask Mimi if we can come to her house because she's our family, right?  And Grandmama too."  Then one night I was laying by Isaac, and he said "Mom, you are my best friend."  Adam was laying there too, and said "what about me?"  Isaac said "you can be Eli's."  It was kind of funny; although, Adam didn't think so.  Finally, after baby Callan was born this month, Isaac said "Anna Katherine will always be not as little as my other cousin."  I said "Callan."  He said "yeah Callan."  What he was trying to express is that Anna Katherine would always be older than Callan.  He wasn't quite sure how to say it, but knew what he was trying to say.  I love hearing him figure out ways to express his thoughts!

Besides biting his nails, Isaac has started another bad habit this month.  He wipes his mouth on his shirt sleeve.  I'm a little surprised he just started doing this, but we are trying to stop it before it too late to stop it.  He also says things now like "I don't like you,"  "you are not my friend," or "I'll never."  I have a feeling he's picking up some of these expressions from school.

Isaac is learning the books of the Bible in Sunday school at church and at home, and knows Genesis- Nehemiah, but tends to forget the book of Judges. We are also working through a book called "My First Book of Questions and Answers" which are catechisms, and he is learning basic truths about God.  It is so awesome seeing him learn and watching how much his head can absorb.  It really amazes me!

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