Isaac is now 8 weeks old. It is amazing how much more alert and active he is now. He has started smiling much more and purposely. He has been smiling since about week 5, but it is more frequent these days. He is making more sounds....grunts and coos.
It's hard to catch his full smile with the camera.
Isaac is just kicked back and relaxing! There's that smile again.
He has started batting at objects, focusing on voices and faces, and staring at lights. He has been getting in his bouncer, and he loves the vibration. He has also been playing more on his activity mat.
Isaac sure does kick a lot! He has some strong little legs!
Isaac is playing on his activity mat. He has been able to pull the bumble bee to get the music to play.
Now that his incision on his belly is healed, he likes to lay on his stomach. He discovered that he can roll from his belly to his back.
We cannot believe how much he is growing. He has moved on to a new size of diapers and is able to wear many of his 0-3 month outfits now (he was just wearing newborn clothes). He looks so long and his fingers look twice the size they were. His hair is completely out of our control. It is so long! The front and back parts of his hair are laying down now, but the hair directly on top of his head is just crazy! We still cannot tell what color his eyes are going to be.
Good view of Isaac's "Rock Star" hair!
Isaac was knocking down the frog and enjoying it! This was the first time he really played. Another good view of his wild hair.
Isaac had enough play for the day. He was ready for his favorite hobby...sleeping!
Time flies, and Isaac is growing so quickly. He is constantly discovering new things and learning. We are excited to see what his little personality will be like!
He does have rock star hair...hehehe!!! Thanks for the update. If I didn't know you I still would think you were a PT with all of the great movement observations. Love you girl and miss you
Isaac just gets more and more precious! I love hime and you all, and I pray for you all daily! I can't wait to watch him grow!
Sorry...I love him, not hime!
Adorable! Anlen looked at the pics & kept saying "Mine. That's mine baby!" We love the hair! Blessings!
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