Okay, our blog entries have been scarce lately so I decided to do a month by month update of Isaac's milestones and stories.
12th month
Isaac enjoys playing with all his new toys he got for his birthday. We try to just give him one new toy a week, so he would appreciate each one. He is now 19.2# (12th percentile) in weight, has a head circumference of 45.5 cm (25th percentile) and 29 1/4 inches long (45th percentile). The doctor has encouraged us to give him Pediasure each day to help him gain a little weight. He started going to daycare 3 days per week. He was in the toddler room, but was having difficulty adjusting to only one nap a day and was not eating well. So, they moved him to the baby room for the remainder of his 12th month. He was still fussy, but did better in the baby room (which is less on a group schedule and works more on each individual child's schedule). On his second day at daycare, they had a water day, which lead to a 2 month stretch of a runny nose and congestion.
He is trying to talk more and more. He is saying bye-bye, mama, dada, ball, and baba (for bottle/sippy cup). He makes his car sound a lot more frequently (the past couple months) when he is playing with his trucks/cars. Isaac communicates with us more now. When he is thirsty, he goes to the refrigerator. When he is hungry, he goes to the pantry. He sometimes even brings us a diaper when he has dirtied the one he's wearing and lays in the floor or on a rug when he is ready for bed. When we say "it's bathtime," he goes to the bathroom, happily. He seems to understand most all we say.
He is recognizing more things now, such as pictures in books. For example, every night when we read "Goodnight Moon," he always has to find his monkey birthday balloon in his room whenever the book says..."and the red balloon." It is so cute! He loves to point at objects with his pointer finger, like airplanes and picture books. His other favorite books at this time are: "Go Dog Go," "Brown Bear," and "First 100 Words." He will sit in the floor at flip through the pages of "Go Dog Go" by himself, and he just laughs out loud when he gets to the last page (the dog party). It is so funny! In "First 100 Words" he loves pointing out the motorcycle (I'm sure his dad had a little something to do with that). He is also starting to recognize body parts...ears, nose, belly button, etc, and point to them on himself. He loves finding other people's belly buttons.
He enjoys going to story hour at the library and playing on playgrounds. He is really good at maneuvering on the playground equipment and loves swinging and going down slides. One problem we have at the playground is that he always tries to eat the wood chips on the ground. His favorite toys are balls, anything with wheels, push toys, toilet paper (as you can see in the picture above), and anything electronic (that he's not suppose to play with). However, his #1 thing to do is climb steps. If there is a step anywhere, he will find it and be playing on it. As soon as I open the door to our apartment, he goes as fast as possible to the steps that lead to the second floor.
Eating continues to be a challenge, but is gradually getting better. He mostly just likes chicken, bread/crackers, potatoes, and fruit. He always finds a way to stand up in his high chair. We have had to start disciplining him more. When he is put in "time-out," he just hugs me and rubs my arm afterwards (like he is saying sorry). He waves at everyone he sees, moves his feet to music, and is starting to give "high fives." The neatest thing he does now is put his hands together when we pray. It is so sweet!
He is a very busy, strong-willed little fella who desperately desires to be independent. He is social like his mommy, but so many of his characteristics and face expressions are like his daddy! He is a blessing to us!
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