Isaac loves bubbles!!!
Isaac visiting with Great Grandmother Dot
Isaac not wanting to sit still for a picture..."catch me if you can mommy."
The birthday folks! Happy birthday guys!
Isaac and Christopher playing on Grampie's back hoe and loving it!
Isaac playing baseball....look at that swing!

Isaac is 21 months old now, weigh 24 pounds, and continues to be very active during all waking hours. He loves being outside. Usually the first word Isaac tells me when he wakes up is "outside." Life would be perfect to him if he could just be outside every minute of the day. He gets very upset when I bring him indoors. He enjoys playing with bubbles, sidewalk chalk, swinging, and hitting balls off his tee. Even though he is young, he makes very good contact with the ball and hits it far! He loves to go for walks in the stroller, but even more than that, he loves to push the stroller himself. Anytime he wants to play with the stroller he says "walk stroller." He went to Mommy's first softball game, and needless to say, he loves the ball park. During the games, a friend will watch him for me while I play. She has a little girl too, so she gets the Isaac and her little girl ring pop suckers. The two of them will sit in their strollers the entire game as they lick on their suckers. It seems to work pretty well!
Isaac is able to communicate more every month. He repeats almost everything we say now. He really likes to say who's item something is, such as "Isaac's room, Mommy's car, Isaac's house, Daddy's shoes, Isaac's bed, etc." He can now tell us he is "one" when we ask him his age. When asked what his name is, he can reply "Isaac Coats." However, we have to encourage him to say his last name. He knows his last name, and also acknowledges that his nickname is "Bopper." There have been a few instances when he has referred to himself as "Bopper," such as when he said "Bopper's bed" as he points to his bed. Whenever he wants me to follow him, instead of "come here," he says "mere" as he moves his hand to motion me in his direction. Anytime he is high, such as on a bed, slide, chair, etc, he likes to say "Isaac up here." It is really cute! He also likes to say what he sees while he is in the car. He is always looking for BIG trucks, tractors, cows, lawn mowers, motorcycles, etc. However, he has started having some new interests. He really likes car washes, so everytime we pass by a car wash, Isaac yells "car wash." He notices now when it is raining outside he says "it's wet."
As I mentioned previously, Isaac really likes to look for lawn mowers. He does not miss any of them. It does not matter if someone is riding/pushing one in their yard or carrying on in the back of a pick-up truck, Isaac will spot it. One day we were eating at Culvers. Isaac pointed out the window and repetitively said "mawn mower." Well his cousin, Carrie, and I could not find the lawn mower he was pointing to, but knew there must be one somewhere. Finally I spotted two men in motorized scooters riding along the sidewalk. Isaac was so proud when we spotted his lawn mower. I guess it's an honest mistake....a motorized vehicle with a person sitting on it. It was so funny!
It is also interesting to see the things he remembers. For example, when he sees our neighbors house he says "Caroline's party" because he recently attended her birthday party. When I mention the ball park, he says "Maddie ball park" because he plays with Maddie at the ball park. As soon as we get into our neighborhood, Isaac starts looking for our house. The second he sees it, he says "Isaac's house." He is really starting to know his surroundings more.
He said his first sentence this month....well almost a complete sentence (he did leave out the verb). He said "Grandad's lawn (pronounced mawn) mower in garage." Isaac is also now saying please and thank you, rather than just signing it (but often needs to be reminded to say thank you). For some reason, he has not repeated names of people much, but he is starting to do this more this month. One of his favorite names to say is "Sophie" which is Aunt Jenny's dog. His favorite adjective is big. It is so funny how he says the word big. He makes his voice as deep as possible and draws the word out, so he can make sure everyone knows whatever he's talking about is really "big." One day I was trying to teach him the difference between big and little. After my explanation, he said "a big Mommy" as he pointed to me. Daddy has an application called "tot cards" on his i-phone that he and Isaac play together. Daddy now has an i-pad, so Isaac comes up to Daddy in the mornings and says "Daddy, big tot cards." I thought that was hilarious when he made the association that the i-pad was just a larger i-phone.
Isaac has been crying some when I drop him off at daycare lately, and asking frequently for Mommy. I thought we were past that stage, but I guess this phase will come and go. He got to participate in a fund raiser for St. Jude's Children's Hospital at school. It was a trikathon. Since he cannot yet ride his tricycle (because his legs are not quite long enough), he rode his Bumble Bee instead, and had a blast.
Isaac has been a little more difficult to get to sleep at night lately. It seems he just has lots of extra energy. When I am getting him ready for bed, he has started screaming. He is not mad or hurting, he is just screaming to be funny. He will yell, and then smile real big and look to see my reaction. While on the changing table, he likes to be tickled, and he likes when I do "the claw." He will say "more more big claw." Before Isaac goes to bed, he has started giving us good kisses ("sugar") on our cheeks. It is so precious! There have been many mornings when Isaac has not wanted to get out of bed. I will try to wake him up, and rolls over and says "night night." I wonder if this is any indication on what it will be like when he is a teenager.
There are so many things Isaac enjoys doing, and it is hard to recall them all. Other than what has been previously mentioned, he likes to slam dunk his basketball on the goal in his room. He has actually started shooting it some, rather than only dunking the ball. He still loves putting on his daddy's shoes. He also likes wearing shoes, and I mean all the time. He wants his shoes on every second he is awake. When we put his shoes on he tells us to "push." Isaac loves playing with his large trucks. He will push them for hours around the house, and especially likes to push them under a bridge, or shall I say, between my legs. Isaac continues to be a fairly picky eater. This month he has really favored raisins and peanut butter. Whenever he is hungry, he goes straight to the pantry and brings me the peanut butter jar. When he is finished eating, he says "Isaac all done." Isaac enjoys doing different movements and making different alphabet/ letter sounds with Mommy while looking in the mirror. We will sway, move up and down, etc, and as soon as we stop, Isaac says "more more sway." Isaac is able to on the car door and climb into his own car seat now, which is a big help when I have my hands full. Finally, Isaac loves tractors. He got to play on his Grampie's back hoe with his cousin Christopher (as shown in the pictures), and he had a great time!
Isaac is just full of life and such a tremendous blessing to us! I cannot even remember what life was like before he came along. We are enjoying watching him grow and learn new things. He is precious to us, and we love him very much!!!