Pictures from CPC Easter egg hunt in Greenville (below):

Pictures from Isaac's Preschool Easter Egg hunt (below):

More pics from CPC's egg hunt in Greenville

Isaac had a lot of fun this Easter. His celebrating started with a party and Easter egg hunt at school. Since it was my day off, I was able to go and take some pictures. As soon as the egg hunt started, Isaac seemed to have a good understanding of what to do. He had a basket full of eggs, then he and his friend Tay, dumped out all their eggs onto the ground and started playing with the playground equipment instead.
The following Saturday, Isaac went to his Grandad and Mimi's church for another Easter egg hunt. He was doing good and on a roll, until the next door neighbor's started to mow and weed eat their yard. Isaac could have cared less about the egg hunt at that time. He just stood at the fence, pointed his finger, and said "weed eater." He was really fascinated by it!
We went back to Bowling Green for Easter Sunday. When we woke up, we looked at what the Easter bunny brought Isaac. He got some puzzles, refrigerator alphabet toy, and some beach toys. We attended a very nice service at Rich Pond Baptist Church, where we were reminded of Christ's sacrifice for us. Following church we ate at Garcias Grill (Mexican restaurant) with Adam and Carrie Reed, and had a yummy meal. We decided to eat a more untraditional meal so we would not have to wait in line somewhere. Plus, Isaac loves Mexican, especially salsa and refried beans.
We had a wonderful Easter and enjoyed spending it as a family!
Pictures from Isaac's Preschool Easter Egg hunt (below):

Isaac had a lot of fun this Easter. His celebrating started with a party and Easter egg hunt at school. Since it was my day off, I was able to go and take some pictures. As soon as the egg hunt started, Isaac seemed to have a good understanding of what to do. He had a basket full of eggs, then he and his friend Tay, dumped out all their eggs onto the ground and started playing with the playground equipment instead.
The following Saturday, Isaac went to his Grandad and Mimi's church for another Easter egg hunt. He was doing good and on a roll, until the next door neighbor's started to mow and weed eat their yard. Isaac could have cared less about the egg hunt at that time. He just stood at the fence, pointed his finger, and said "weed eater." He was really fascinated by it!
We went back to Bowling Green for Easter Sunday. When we woke up, we looked at what the Easter bunny brought Isaac. He got some puzzles, refrigerator alphabet toy, and some beach toys. We attended a very nice service at Rich Pond Baptist Church, where we were reminded of Christ's sacrifice for us. Following church we ate at Garcias Grill (Mexican restaurant) with Adam and Carrie Reed, and had a yummy meal. We decided to eat a more untraditional meal so we would not have to wait in line somewhere. Plus, Isaac loves Mexican, especially salsa and refried beans.
We had a wonderful Easter and enjoyed spending it as a family!
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