At The Cheesecake Factory in St. Louis while visiting Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Eric
Grandmama and Mommy were asked by a gentleman in the army if Isaac would like to sit in his truck, and of course, Isaac loved it!
Isaac playing with Carrie at Aunt Steph's house

Isaac being a BIG helper to Uncle Eric and Aunt Steph

Isaac has had lots of fun this month! He was able to go visit both sets of aunts and uncles this month. We first went to St. Louis to visit Uncle Eric an Aunt Stephanie. While in St. Louis, Isaac had his first trip to the zoo. His cousins Amy, Carrie, and Adam were all there too! Isaac loved looking at all the animals. He mostly seemed to be interested in the penguins, elephants, and giraffes. However, out of everything he saw at the zoo, his favorite things seemed to be the little choo-choo train that would transport people around the zoo. We did not actually ride it, but Isaac loved watching it and saying "choo-choo." I was so interested in his surroundings at the zoo, that he missed his nap. Fortunately, he fell asleep on our way back to Aunt Stephanie's house. While on the interstate, we became the first responders to a motorcyclist hitting a car and falling off his bike. Thankfully, he was okay, but it was a scary experience. Isaac Bopper slept through all of that action! At Uncle Eric and Aunt Stephanie's house, Isaac's favorite thing were their steps. He was obsessed with them, and wanted to climb them constantly. He did have one fall down the steps, but no injuries (we thank God for that). While in St. Louis we got not only enjoy the zoo, but we also went to Ted Drew's for custard, visited the Whitley's church, and ate at the Cheesecake Factory. Needless to say, Isaac thoroughly enjoyed his few bites of cheesecake!
Later in the month, we visited Uncle G and Auntie M in Cincinnati. Grampie and Daddy were able to go for one night and were able to go to a St. Louis Cardinals vs. Cincinnati Reds game. It was chilly that day, so Grandmama stayed at Auntie M's house with Isaac. We really wanted him to go, but he had been a little sick and did not feel it would be smart to get him out on a rainy, chilly day. The next day I had big plans to take Isaac to the aquarium. I ended up getting a stomach virus that day and spent the day in bed. Isaac went shopping with Auntie M and Grandmama. I was so disappointed, but I did not get to take Isaac to the aquarium. Hopefully I will be able to do this next trip to Cincinnati. I know he will love it! Isaac really enjoyed visiting Uncle G and Auntie M. He loved their enclosed porch, where he played for hours. Uncle G took him for a ride on his lawn mower and let Isaac see his big remote control truck. Isaac loved that too! Isaac also liked Uncle G's car and would say "G's car" every time he saw it. One of the funniest things Isaac said for the first time while at Auntie M's house was that he wanted "cwackers and peanut bubba" meaning crackers and peanut butter. He loves peanut butter, and wants crackers with peanut butter for every meal.
Isaac weighs 24 pounds now. He is talking so much more. He is saying many 2-3 word phrases. His favorite word is probably "outside," because he wants to be outside all the time. Isaac likes to say the word big now too, but he says "ig." For example, he will see an 18-wheeler truck, and he will say "ig truck." He has started saying Grandad, but says "dan dad." Another one of Isaac's favorite phrases is "Dan Dad's mawn mower" translated as Grandad's lawn mower. He has said Grampie before, but I cannot get him to say the other grandparents' names consistently. Gran was hoping to be called Gran, but Isaac has called her "Mimi" some, so I think Gran from now on will be referred to as Mimi. Isaac has also finally started to call his dad "daddy" again, instead of "nanny." I still cannot get Isaac to say "please" or "thank you" yet, but he will use sign language for these words.
Isaac will point to his chest (actually his nipple) and say "heart here." I am not sure where he learned this; he just started saying it one day. Every time he is naked, he points and shows me where his heart is located. Every time I remove his socks, he says "toe hurt." Isaac was stacking cans weeks ago and his big toenail has turned back. Isaac always notices his black nail bed. Isaac had a double ear infection this month, but seemed to get better with Augmentin. Isaac also went to the pediatric dentist for the first time. He behaved very well, and only cried a little. He received a great report, but the dentist said for us to go ahead and save our money for braces, because his teeth are very crowded and he is going to need them.
As soon as Isaac wakes up in the morning, I change his diaper. Lately he has been tired when I get him up for preschool. While on the changing table, he will roll over and say "night night," because he thinks he is going to go back to sleep. Then once I get him turned over and his diaper changed, he says "shoes on." Isaac wants his shoes on every waking hour. Another funny thing he has been doing lately is asking to for his bed. I will take him through his night-time routine of reading a book, saying a prayer, and singing a song while I rock him. Well, lately, as soon as I start singing, he reaches his arms out for his crib and says "bed." Maybe he has finally figured out that my singing is not so great!
Isaac is extremely ticklish, but he loves it that way. When Isaac gets fussy, I can tickle him and he immediately goes from crying to laughing hysterically! Then, once I stop tickling him, he says "more, more tickle." He seems to enjoy being tickled, and his laugh is the sweetest sound to a mother's ear.
Isaac enjoys riding in the car. As soon as he gets in the car, he still says "dog" because he wants to hear "Bingo." He also says EIEIO constantly! He loves hearing the song "Old MacDonald" as well. While in the car, he likes to look out the window for school buses, tractors, trucks, airplanes, cows, dogs, and horses. He basically likes animals and anything with a motor! It amazes me how he remembers things that he does not see everyday. For example, when we go visit my parents' house, Isaac says "dog: and points to his Aunt Jenny's back yard where her dog, Sophie, lives. It is so funny because he remembers that no matter how long it has been since we last visited. He does the same thing when he passes Grandmother Dot's house. He will not even know we are going to Greenville, out-of-town, and he will say "Dot's house" as we drive by it (without anyone giving him hints that we are near her home). Isaac loves going to Dot's house. She shares her blueberry muffins with him, and he loves it! He also remembers exactly where his toys are at every house he visits. It does not matter how long it has been since he has visited Dot or either set of grandparents, he knows which room in the each house to go to in order to find his toys. As soon as I mention school to Isaac or he spots the church where he attends preschool, he immediately says "Tay" then "Piper" who are two of his little school friends.
Isaac has become more affectionate. He likes to kiss on the cheek. He will be in his room and bend over to kiss his teddy bears and puppy dog stuffed animals. He gives Mommy lots of kisses in the morning and at night when he is tired. One day my friends Alison's daughter, Logan, was at our house, and Isaac just went up to her and kissed her twice on the forehead. It was so funny! I hope he does not get used to kissing little girls. We will have to put a stop to this early! His Daddy was not too excited about it. Isaac also still likes to hug his buddy, Tay when he gets to school.
Easter was during this month. Isaac enjoyed the festivities associated with the Easter holiday. He participated in two Easter egg at his preschool and the other at Grandad and Mimi's church. I pray that as he gets a little older, he will understand the true significance of Easter. There will be pictures and more on the next blog entry about Isaac's Easter experience this year.
Isaac has had lots of fun this month! He was able to go visit both sets of aunts and uncles this month. We first went to St. Louis to visit Uncle Eric an Aunt Stephanie. While in St. Louis, Isaac had his first trip to the zoo. His cousins Amy, Carrie, and Adam were all there too! Isaac loved looking at all the animals. He mostly seemed to be interested in the penguins, elephants, and giraffes. However, out of everything he saw at the zoo, his favorite things seemed to be the little choo-choo train that would transport people around the zoo. We did not actually ride it, but Isaac loved watching it and saying "choo-choo." I was so interested in his surroundings at the zoo, that he missed his nap. Fortunately, he fell asleep on our way back to Aunt Stephanie's house. While on the interstate, we became the first responders to a motorcyclist hitting a car and falling off his bike. Thankfully, he was okay, but it was a scary experience. Isaac Bopper slept through all of that action! At Uncle Eric and Aunt Stephanie's house, Isaac's favorite thing were their steps. He was obsessed with them, and wanted to climb them constantly. He did have one fall down the steps, but no injuries (we thank God for that). While in St. Louis we got not only enjoy the zoo, but we also went to Ted Drew's for custard, visited the Whitley's church, and ate at the Cheesecake Factory. Needless to say, Isaac thoroughly enjoyed his few bites of cheesecake!
Later in the month, we visited Uncle G and Auntie M in Cincinnati. Grampie and Daddy were able to go for one night and were able to go to a St. Louis Cardinals vs. Cincinnati Reds game. It was chilly that day, so Grandmama stayed at Auntie M's house with Isaac. We really wanted him to go, but he had been a little sick and did not feel it would be smart to get him out on a rainy, chilly day. The next day I had big plans to take Isaac to the aquarium. I ended up getting a stomach virus that day and spent the day in bed. Isaac went shopping with Auntie M and Grandmama. I was so disappointed, but I did not get to take Isaac to the aquarium. Hopefully I will be able to do this next trip to Cincinnati. I know he will love it! Isaac really enjoyed visiting Uncle G and Auntie M. He loved their enclosed porch, where he played for hours. Uncle G took him for a ride on his lawn mower and let Isaac see his big remote control truck. Isaac loved that too! Isaac also liked Uncle G's car and would say "G's car" every time he saw it. One of the funniest things Isaac said for the first time while at Auntie M's house was that he wanted "cwackers and peanut bubba" meaning crackers and peanut butter. He loves peanut butter, and wants crackers with peanut butter for every meal.
Isaac weighs 24 pounds now. He is talking so much more. He is saying many 2-3 word phrases. His favorite word is probably "outside," because he wants to be outside all the time. Isaac likes to say the word big now too, but he says "ig." For example, he will see an 18-wheeler truck, and he will say "ig truck." He has started saying Grandad, but says "dan dad." Another one of Isaac's favorite phrases is "Dan Dad's mawn mower" translated as Grandad's lawn mower. He has said Grampie before, but I cannot get him to say the other grandparents' names consistently. Gran was hoping to be called Gran, but Isaac has called her "Mimi" some, so I think Gran from now on will be referred to as Mimi. Isaac has also finally started to call his dad "daddy" again, instead of "nanny." I still cannot get Isaac to say "please" or "thank you" yet, but he will use sign language for these words.
Isaac will point to his chest (actually his nipple) and say "heart here." I am not sure where he learned this; he just started saying it one day. Every time he is naked, he points and shows me where his heart is located. Every time I remove his socks, he says "toe hurt." Isaac was stacking cans weeks ago and his big toenail has turned back. Isaac always notices his black nail bed. Isaac had a double ear infection this month, but seemed to get better with Augmentin. Isaac also went to the pediatric dentist for the first time. He behaved very well, and only cried a little. He received a great report, but the dentist said for us to go ahead and save our money for braces, because his teeth are very crowded and he is going to need them.
As soon as Isaac wakes up in the morning, I change his diaper. Lately he has been tired when I get him up for preschool. While on the changing table, he will roll over and say "night night," because he thinks he is going to go back to sleep. Then once I get him turned over and his diaper changed, he says "shoes on." Isaac wants his shoes on every waking hour. Another funny thing he has been doing lately is asking to for his bed. I will take him through his night-time routine of reading a book, saying a prayer, and singing a song while I rock him. Well, lately, as soon as I start singing, he reaches his arms out for his crib and says "bed." Maybe he has finally figured out that my singing is not so great!
Isaac is extremely ticklish, but he loves it that way. When Isaac gets fussy, I can tickle him and he immediately goes from crying to laughing hysterically! Then, once I stop tickling him, he says "more, more tickle." He seems to enjoy being tickled, and his laugh is the sweetest sound to a mother's ear.
Isaac enjoys riding in the car. As soon as he gets in the car, he still says "dog" because he wants to hear "Bingo." He also says EIEIO constantly! He loves hearing the song "Old MacDonald" as well. While in the car, he likes to look out the window for school buses, tractors, trucks, airplanes, cows, dogs, and horses. He basically likes animals and anything with a motor! It amazes me how he remembers things that he does not see everyday. For example, when we go visit my parents' house, Isaac says "dog: and points to his Aunt Jenny's back yard where her dog, Sophie, lives. It is so funny because he remembers that no matter how long it has been since we last visited. He does the same thing when he passes Grandmother Dot's house. He will not even know we are going to Greenville, out-of-town, and he will say "Dot's house" as we drive by it (without anyone giving him hints that we are near her home). Isaac loves going to Dot's house. She shares her blueberry muffins with him, and he loves it! He also remembers exactly where his toys are at every house he visits. It does not matter how long it has been since he has visited Dot or either set of grandparents, he knows which room in the each house to go to in order to find his toys. As soon as I mention school to Isaac or he spots the church where he attends preschool, he immediately says "Tay" then "Piper" who are two of his little school friends.
Isaac has become more affectionate. He likes to kiss on the cheek. He will be in his room and bend over to kiss his teddy bears and puppy dog stuffed animals. He gives Mommy lots of kisses in the morning and at night when he is tired. One day my friends Alison's daughter, Logan, was at our house, and Isaac just went up to her and kissed her twice on the forehead. It was so funny! I hope he does not get used to kissing little girls. We will have to put a stop to this early! His Daddy was not too excited about it. Isaac also still likes to hug his buddy, Tay when he gets to school.
Easter was during this month. Isaac enjoyed the festivities associated with the Easter holiday. He participated in two Easter egg at his preschool and the other at Grandad and Mimi's church. I pray that as he gets a little older, he will understand the true significance of Easter. There will be pictures and more on the next blog entry about Isaac's Easter experience this year.
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