Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween and Fall Family Festivities

This fall has been fun-filled! I have been off work for maternity leave, and have really enjoyed my time at home. We have had lots of family members and friends visiting us to meet Eli and to serve our family in various ways. We are thankful! I have gotten to take some leisurely strolls with the boys, which has been nice to get outside and enjoy the fall weather. Eli seems to enjoy being outside, and Isaac has always loved it!

We went to Dawson Springs to Grampie and Grandmama's house to visit with Auntie M and Lexi.  Uncle Eric, Aunt Stephanie, and Anna Katherine also came to visit us this fall.  We have really enjoyed seeing all these new babies and our growing family!

We made a trip to Jackson's Orchard with some church friends. Eli slept the entire time in his stroller, but Isaac had a blast! Isaac enjoyed racing down the Cider Slider, going through hay bale maze, and playing on the playground-type activities (big wooden truck and tractor that he could "drive"). We treated ourselves to a caramel apple and apple cider slush. YUM!!!

I started work in October, so this made Halloween kind of hectic. Isaac was an astronaut, and had a little NASA costume. It was very cute! Eli was a cute, tiny tiger! Eli would have been a great Elvis, but I didn't have a chance to make that happen. We went to our neighbor's house trick-or-treating then headed to church for a fall festival.   There were bouncy houses for Isaac, so he had a big time! Isaac and I also went to his school's fall festival. He played some games, but his favorite activity was going down the blow-up dolphin slide. He had a great time!

Isaac has gone to some WKU football games with the family, which he loves doing. Isaac also went to his first band competition, the state competition, with Grandad and Mimi, and liked it. Since his favorite thing to watch at the football games is the marching band at halftime, we thought he might enjoy it! We even got to hang out with the family as we used our new fire pit, cooking hot dogs and roasting marshmallows.

We love the beautiful colors, cooler temperatures, and fun family activities in the fall!!!


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